Arnaud E. L’innovation en chirurgie crânio-faciale : d’apres les temoignages de Ortiz Monasterio, Marchac, Firmin et Wolfe. Rapport du 52 eme congres de la SOFCPRE. In C. Le Louarn,ed. Paris, Elsevier, 2010, pp 363-383
Arnaud E., Marchac D., Di Rocco F., Renier D. Orbital hypertelorism. In : Losee J, ed. London, Elsevier, 2010
Arnaud E, Di Rocco F, Renier D. Chapter 7.2.2. Syndromic craniosynostosis. In CB Lumenta, J Haase, C Di Rocco, JJA Mooij, eds. European manual of medicine. Neurosurgery. Congenital defects and childhood disorders. Heidelberg, Springer 2009. pp 522-528
Arnaud E., Diner P, Tomat C. Distraction osseuse. In M. Revol, JP Binde, A Danino, Ph May, JM Servant, Eds. Manuel de chirurgie plastique, reconstructrice et esthétique, 2 ème édition. Paris, Sauramps medical, 2009, pp 171-175.
Arnaud E., Marchac D., Renier E. Orbital hypertelorism. In : Guyuron, Persing, Eriksson, Gosain, Chung, Rubin and Disa, eds. London, Elsevier, 2008
Arnaud E., Marchac D., Renier D. Strategy for faciocraniosynostosis surgical treatment with distraction. In Huang Hong-Zhang, Yang Bin and Arnaud Eric, eds. The operative surgery of congenital craniofacial malformations. Beijing, The publish press of scientific and technological documents, 2007
Arnaud E., Marchac D., Renier D. Faciocraniosynostosis surgical treatment strategy in one or two stages. Le Fort 3 and frontofacial monobloc advancements. In: Bell W. and Guerrero C., eds. Facial distraction osteogenesis. Toronto, Decker and Decker.
Co-Editeur: The operative surgery of congenital craniofacial malformations. Huang Hong-Zhang, Yang Bin & Arnaud Eric, eds. Beijing, The publish press of scientific and technological documents 2006 (In press in chinese language)
Co-Editeur : Chirurgie crânio-faciale des craniosténoses. Rapport du congrès de neurochirurgie de langue française. Dominique Renier, Eric Arnaud & Daniel Marchac, eds. Masson, Paris. Neurochirurgie 52:1-312:2006
Co-Editeur : Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on craniofacial and maxillofacial distraction. Paris, France June 21-24th, 2006. Patrick Diner, Eric Arnaud & Marie-Paule Vazquez, eds. Medimond International, Bologna, 2006
Eric Arnaud & Patrick Diner
Proceedings of the 4th International Congress on cranial and facial bone distraction processes
Paris, France July 3-6, 2003., eds. Monduzzi, Bologna, 2003
Eric Arnaud & Patrick Diner
Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on cranial and facial bone distraction processes.
Paris, France June 14-16th, 2001., eds. Monduzzi, Bologna, 2001.
Eric Arnaud & Stephane Guichard,
Rapport du XLVIème Congrès National de la Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructrice et Esthétique
Annales de chirurgie plastique esthétique, vol. 46. Paris, Société d’Edition de l’Association d’Enseignement Médical de Paris, 2001.
Marchac, D. (Ed)
Le point sur les malformations craniofaciales
Paris : Annales de Chirurgie Plastique Esthétique, 1997. vol. 42, N° 5
Marchac, D. (Ed) Craniofacial Surgery
Procedings of the 6th International Congres of the International Society of Craniofacial Surgery
Bologna : Monduggi, 1995. 1 vol., 419 p
Marchac, D. (Ed) Craniofacial Surgery
Proceedings of the 1st International Congres of the International Society of Craniofacial Surgery
Berlin : Springer-Verlag, 1987. 1 vol., 495 p
Marchac, D., Renier, D.
Craniofacial Surgery Craniosynostosis
Boston : Little Brown, 1982. 1 vol., 201 p.
Marchac, D., Renier, D. Chirurgie
Craniofaciale des Craniosténoses
Paris : Medsi, 1982. 1 vol., 176 p
Chapitres de Livres
Capon-Degardin N., Brunelle F., Arnaud E., Lajeunie-Renier E., Renier D. The skull. In : Helen Carty, Francis Brunelle, David A. Stringer & Sinou C. Kao, eds. Imaging children (second edition). Chapter 12.2. Philadelphia, Elsevier Churchill-Livingstone, 2005. Pp 1693-1710.
Marchac, D.
Kraniofaziale Chirurgie. In A. Berger and R. Hierner (Ed).
Plastiche Chirurgie, Kopf und hals
Heidelberg : Springer 2005, p.1-24
Renier D., Arnaud E., Lajeunie E., Meyer P., Marchac D.
Craniofacial malformations : surgical considerations.
In : Bruno Bissonnette and Bernard Dalens, eds. Pediatric anesthesia, chapter 69. New York, McGraw-Hill, 2002, pp 1333-1345
Capon-Degardin N., Brunelle F., Arnaud E., Lajeunie-Renier E., Renier D.
The skull.
In : Helen Carty, Francis Brunelle, David A. Stringer & Sinou C. Kao, eds. Imaging children (second edition). Chapter 12.2. Philadelphia, Elsevier Churchill-Livingstone, 2005. Pp 1693-1710.
Marchac, D., Renier, D., et Arnaud, E.
Craniosynostosis. In R. Goldwyn and M. Cohen (Ed).
The unfavorable result in plastic surgery
Philadelphia : Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001, p.359-378
Guichard S., Diner P., Arnaud E., Julien N., Firmin F.
Planification du traitement des dysostoses oto-mandibulaires.
Dans : Eric Arnaud and Stephane Guichard, eds. Rapport du XLVIème Congrès National de la Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructrice et Esthétique. Annales de chirurgie plastique esthétique, vol. 46. Paris, Société d’Edition de l’Association d’Enseignement Médical de Paris, 2001, pp 575-576.
Guichard S., Arnaud E.
Chirurgie reconstructrice des tissus mous dans les microsomies hémifaciales.
Dans : Eric Arnaud and Stephane Guichard, eds. Rapport du XLVIème Congrès National de la Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructrice et Esthétique. Annales de chirurgie plastique esthétique, vol. 46. Paris, Société d’Edition de l’Association d’Enseignement Médical de Paris, 2001, pp 551-563.
Arnaud E., Marchac D., Renier D.
Diagnostic d’une asymétrie faciale et crânio-faciale.
Dans : Eric Arnaud and Stephane Guichard, eds. Rapport du XLVIème Congrès National de la Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructrice et Esthétique.
Annales de chirurgie plastique esthétique, vol. 46. Paris, Société d’Edition de l’Association d’Enseignement Médical de Paris, 2001, pp 410-423.
Renier, D., Lajeunie, E., Arnaud, E., Marchac, D., et Catala, M.
Craniosténoses. Encycl. Méd. Chir.
(Paris-France) Pédiatrie, 4-096-B-10, 15 p. 2000
Marchac, D., and Renier, D.
Congenital craniofacial malformations. In J. Yomans (Ed). Neurological Surgery
Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1996. vol. 2. Pp. 1012-1034. 1538-1573
Arnaud E.
La chirurgie plastique, reconstructrice et esthétique.
In Y. Michaud, ed. Qu’est ce que l’humain ?
Odile Jacob, paris, 2000. 83ème conférence d’enseignement de l’université de tous les savoirs. Pp 469-482
Marchac D., Arnaud E.
Principles of craniofacial surgery.
In : Jeffrey Weinzweig, ed. Plastic surgery secrets, chapter 11. Philadelphia, Hanley & Belfus, 1999, pp 58-60
Marchac, D.
Surgical enlargement of the anophtalmic pocket. In B. Toth, R. Keating, W. Stewart (Ed).
An Atlas of Orbitocranial surgery
London : Martin Duwitz, 1999. Pp. 203-208
Arnaud E., Lajeunie E., Marchac D., Renier D.
Craniofacial anomalies.
In : Maurice Choux, Concezio Di Rocco, Anthony Hockley, Marion Walker, eds. Pediatric Neurosurgery, chapter 15. London, Churchill Livingstone, 1999, pp 323-346.
Arnaud E., Marchac D., Renier D.
Les craniosténoses et faciocraniosténoses.
Dans : Daniel Marchac, ed. Rapport du XLIIème Congrès National de la Société Française de Chirurgie Plastique Reconstructrice et Esthétique. Annales de chirurgie plastique esthétique, vol. 42(5). Paris, Société d’Edition de l’Association d’Enseignement Médical de Paris, 1997, pp 443-480.
Saltz R., Anger J., Arnaud E.
Endoscopic expansion surgery.
In: Oscar M. Ramirez & Rollin K. Daniel, eds. Endoscopic Plastic Surgery, chapt 27. New York, Springer Verlag, 1996, pp 283-292.
Marchac, D., and Renier, D.
Craniosynostosis and Craniofacial dysostosis. In M. Cohen (Ed) Mastery of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery.
Boston : Little Brown, 1994. vol. 1. Pp. 499-515
Marchac, D.
Deformities of the forehead, scalp and cranial vault. In J. Mc Carthy (Ed) Plastic Surgery. Philadelphia : W. B. Saunders, 1990. vol. 2. Pp. 1538-1573
Marchac, D.
Craniofacial dysostosis. In J. Mustardé and I. Jackson (Ed)Plastic Surgery in infancy and chilhood
London : Churchill Livingstone, 1989. Pp. 209-224
Renier, D., et Marchac, D.
Encycl. Méd. Chir. (Paris-France), Pédiatrie, 4096 B 10, 9, 12, p. 1989
Marchac, D.
Remodeling the craniostenotic forehead. In B. Brent (Ed). The Artistry of Reconstructive Surgery
St Louis : C.V. Mosby, 1987. vol. 2. Pp. 621-627
Vergnaud E, Vecchione A, Blanot S, Di Rocco F, Arnaud E, Renier D, Meyer P; Pediatric Craniofacial Group. Reducing blood losses and transfusion requirements in craniosynostosis surgery: an endless quest? Anesthesiology. 2012 Mar;116(3):733-4;
Khonsari RH, Di Rocco F, Arnaud E, Sanchez S, Tafforeau P. High-resolution imaging of craniofacial sutures: new tools for understanding the origins of craniosynostoses. Childs Nerv Syst. 2012 Sep;28(9):1465-9
Nowinski D, Di Rocco F, Renier D, SainteRose C, Leikola J, Arnaud E. Posterior cranial vault expansion in the treatment of craniosynostosis. comparison of current techniques Childs Nerv Syst. 2012 Sep;28(9):1537-44
Arnaud E, Marchac A, Jeblaoui Y, Renier D, Di Rocco F.Spring-assisted posterior skull expansion without osteotomies Childs Nerv Syst. 2012 Sep;28(9):1545-9
Coll G, Arnaud E, Selek L, Brunelle F, Sainte-Rose C, Collet C, Di Rocco F. The growth of the foramen magnum in crouzon syndrome Childs Nerv Syst. 2012 Sep;28(9):1525-35)
Di Rocco F, Marchac A, Duracher C, Perié AC, Vergnaud E, Renier D, Arnaud E. Posterior remodeling flap for posterior plagiocephaly Childs Nerv Syst. 2012 Sep;28(9):1395-7.
Arnaud E, Di Rocco F. Faciocraniosynostosis: Monobloc frontofacial osteotomy replacing the two-stage strategy ? Childs Nerv Syst. 2012 Sep;28(9):1557-64
Di Rocco F, Knoll BI, Arnaud E, Blanot S, Meyer P, Cuttarree H, Sainte-Rose C, Marchac D. Scaphocephaly correction with retrocoronal and prelambdoid craniotomies (Renier’s “H” technique) Childs Nerv Syst. 2012 Sep;28(9):1327-32. )
Di Rocco F, Arnaud E, Marchac D, Vergnaud E, Baugnon T, Vecchione A, Renier D. Anterior fronto-orbital remodeling for trigonocephaly, Anterior fronto-orbital remodeling for trigonocephay. Childs Nerv Syst. 2012 Sep;28(9):1369-73
Marchac A, Arnaud E. Cranium and midface distraction osteogenesis: current practices, controversies, and future applications. J Craniofac Surg; 2012 Jan;23(1):235-8
Machado G, Di Rocco F, Sainte-Rose C, Meyer P, Marchac D, Macquet-Nouvion G, Arnaud E, Renier D. Cloverleaf skull deformity and hydrocephalus. Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Oct;27(10):1683-91. Epub 2011 Sep 17
Marchac A, Arnaud E, Di Rocco F, Michienzi J, Renier D. Severe deformational plagiocephaly: long-term results of surgical treatment. J Craniofac Surg. 2011 Jan;22(1):24-9
Rocco F, Collet C, Legeai-Mallet L, Arnaud E, Le Merrer M, Hadj-Rabia S, Renier D. Crouzon syndrome with acanthosis nigricans: a case-based update. Childs Nerv Syst. 2011 Mar;27(3):349-54. Epub 2010 Dec 7
Nowinski D, Di Rocco F, Roujeau T, Meyer P, Renier D, Arnaud E. Complex pediatric orbital fractures combined with traumatic brain injury: treatment and follow-up. J Craniofac Surg. 2010 Jul;21(4):1054-9
Di Rocco F, Jucá CE, Arnaud E, Renier D, Sainte-Rose C. The role of endoscopic third ventriculostomy in the treatment of hydrocephalus associated with faciocraniosynostosis. J Neurosurg Pediatr. 2010 Jul;6(1):17-22.
Di Rocco F, Arnaud E, Meyer P, Sainte-Rose C, Renier D. Focus session on the changing epidemiology of craniosynostosis (comparing two quinquennia: 1985-1989 and 2003-2007) and its impact on the daily clinical practice: a review from Necker Enfants. Childs Nerv Syst. Jul;25(7):807-11, 2009
Di Rocco F, Arnaud E, Renier D. Evolution in the frequency of non syndromic craniosynostosis. J Neurosurg Pediatr. Jul;4(1):21-5, 2009
Arnaud E., Renier D. Pediatric craniofacial osteosynthesis using an ultrasonic-assisted pinned resorbable system: A prospective report with a minimum 30 months follow-up. J Craniofac Surg 20(6):2081-6, 2009.
Oyama A., Arnaud E., Marchac D., Renier D. Reossification of Cranium and Zygomatic Arch after Monobloc Frontofacial Distraction Advancement for Syndromic Craniosynostosis. J Craniofac Surg. 20 (Suppl 2):1905-9, 2009
Arnaud E., Capon-Degardin N., Michienzi J., Marchac D., Renier D. Secondary coronal synostosis after “H” craniectomy for scaphocephaly: a complication? J Craniofac Surg. 20 (Suppl 2):1843-50, 2009
Antúnez S, Arnaud E, Cruz A, Marchac D, Renier D. Scaphocephaly Part I: Indices for frontal and sagittal morphology evaluation: Long-term results. J Craniofac Surg. 20 (Suppl 2):1837-42, 2009
Gosain A. K., Salyer K. E., Arnaud E. Long-term solutions for the delivery of craniofacial care in India and the developing world. J Craniofac Surg. 20 (Suppl 2):1642-6, 2009
Van der Meulen J, van der Hulst R, van Adrichem L, Arnaud E, Chin-Shong D, Duncan C, Habets E, Hinojosa J, Mathijssen I, May P, Morritt D, Nishikawa H, Noons P, Richardson D, Wall S, van der Vlugt J, Renier D. The increase of metopic synostosis: a pan-european observation. J Craniofac SurgMar;20(2):283-6, 2009
Liapakis IE, Anagnostoulis S, Karayiannakis AJ, Korkoulis DP, Lambropoulou M, Arnaud E, Simopoulos CE. Recombinant leptin administration improves early angiogenesis in full-thickness skin flap: an experimental study. In Vivo;22:247-252, 2008
Marchac D., Renier D., Arnaud E. Unoperated craniosynostosis patients : correction in adulthood. Plast Reconstr Surg. 122;6: 1827-1838, 2008
Arnaud E., Le H., Marchac D., Renier. Technical evolution in craniofacial techniques with resorbable osteosynthesis. Eur J Plast Surg (accepted)
Cruz A., Akaishi P., Arnaud E., Marchac D., Renier D. Palpebral fissure changes after monobloc frontofacial advancement in faciocraniosynostosis. J Craniofac Surg.,Jan9(1):1-4,2008
Arnaud E., Marchac D., Renier D. Reduction of morbidity of frontofacial advancement in children by the use of internal distraction. Plast Reconstr Surg;Sep15;120(4):1009-26, 2007
Cruz A., Arnaud E., Marchac D., Akaishi P., Renier D. Exorbitism correction after frontofacial advancement with distraction. J Craniofac Surg ;18(2) :355-60, 2007
Mathijssen I. & Arnaud E. Benchmarking for craniosynostosis. J Craniofac Surg; Mar 18(2):436-42, 2007
Renier D., Arnaud E., Marchac D. Résultats fonctionnels des craniosténoses. NeurochirurgieJun;52(2-3 Pt 2):302-10, 2006
Arnaud E., Marchac D., Renier D. Traitement des craniosténoses : Indications et techniques. Neurochirurgie Jun;52(2-3 Pt 2):264-91, 2006
Renier D., Arnaud E., Marchac D. Pronostic fonctionnel des craniosténoses. NeurochirurgieJun;52(2-3 Pt 2):259-263, 2006
Renier D., Le Merrer M., Arnaud E., Marchac D. Etiologie des craniosténoses. NeurochirurgieJun;52(2-3 Pt 2):228-237, 2006
Renier D., Arnaud E., Marchac D. Classification des craniosténoses. NeurochirurgieJun;52(2-3 Pt 2):200-227, 2006
Renier D., Arnaud E., Marchac D. Physiopathologie des craniosténoses. NeurochirurgieJun;52(2-3 Pt 2):195-9, 2006
Marchac D., Renier D., Arnaud E. Frontal lobe atrophy after prolonged frontal bone defect. J Craniofac Surg. Sep;17(5):843-7, 2006
Mathijssen I., Arnaud E., Marchac D., Morisseau-Durand M.P., Mireau E., Guérin Ph., Renier D. Respiratory outcome of midface advancement with distraction: A comparison between Le Fort III and frontofacial monobloc. J Craniofac Surg. Sep;17(5):880-2, 2006
Gomez Garcia E., Korkiakoski S., Moro Gonzalez M., Lansman S., Ella V., Salo T., Kellomaki M., Ashammakhi N., Arnaud E. Effect of FGF and polylactide scaffolds on calvarial bone healing with growth factor on biodegradable polymer scaffolds. J Craniofac Surg 17(5):935-942, 2006
Mathijssen I., Arnaud E., Lajeunie E., Marchac D., Renier D. Postoperative cognitive outcome for synostotic frontal plagiocephaly. J. Neurosurg (1 suppl Pediatrics) 105:16-20, 2006
Santos de Oliveira R, Lajeunie E., Arnaud E., Renier D. Fetal exposure to sodium valproate associated with Baller-Gerold syndrome: case report and review of the literature. Childs Nerv Syst. Jan;22(1):90-4, 2006.
Lajeunie E., Crimmins D. W., Arnaud E., Renier D. Genetic considerations in nonsyndromic midline craniosynostoses : a study of twins and their families. J Neurosurg 103(4) : 353-356, 2005.
Oliveira RS, Lajeunie E., Arnaud E., Greensmith A., Renier D. Baller-Gerold syndrome after fetal exposure to sodium valproate. Amer J Med Genet 134 : 113, 2005.
Cinalli G., Spennato P., Sainte-Rose C., Arnaud E., Aliberti F., Brunelle F., Cianciulli E., Renier D. Chiari malformation in craniosynostosis. Childs Nerv Syst 21:889-901, 2005.
Arnaud E.
Discussion. American society of maxillofacial surgeons outcome study : preoperative and postoperative neurodevelopmental findings in single suture craniosynostosis.
Plast Reconstr Surg 2004 ;114(4) :848-849
Ashammakhi N., Renier D., Arnaud E., Marchac D., Ninkovic M., Dunaway D., Jones B., Serlo W., Laurikanene K., Tormala P., Waris T.
Successful use of biosorb osteofixation in 165 cranial and maxillofacial cases: a multicenter report.
J Craniofac Surg 2004;15(4):692-701
Arnaud E., Marchac D., Renier D.
Quadruple distraction interne avec avancement fronto-facial précoce pour faciocraniosténose.
Rev Stomatol Chir maxillofac 2004;105(1):13-18
Arnaud E., Marchac D., Renier D.
Quadruple internal distraction with monobloc advancement: experience with 19 cases.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on cranial and facial bone distraction processes. Paris, France July 2-5, 2003:191-195
Arnaud E., Marchac D., Renier D.
Evaluation of frontofacial monobloc advancement with quadruple internal distraction
abstract N° 20. Childs Nerv Syst 2003;19:610
Arnaud E.
Commentary on “the selection of the most appropriate materials and the timing of procedures for dura, bone and skin reconstruction in patients with wartime injuries”
by Vujotic et al. Eur J Plast Surg 2003;26:185
Arnaud E., Meneses P., Lajeunie E., Thorne J., Marchac D., Renier D.
Postoperative mental and morphological outcome for nonsyndromic brachycephaly.
Plast Reconstr Surg 2002;110(1):6-12
Marchac D., Arnaud E., Renier D.
Frontocranial remodeling without opening of frontal sinuses in a scaphocephalic adolescent: a case report.
J Craniofac Surg 2002;13(5):698-705
Mireau E., Arnaud E., Lajeunie E., Marchac D., Renier D.
Improvement of upper airway obstruction in Crouzon syndrome by facial distraction.
Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on cranial and facial bone distraction processes. Paris, France June 14-16th, 2001: 489-493
Arnaud E., Marchac D., Renier D.
Double internal distraction with monobloc advancement in infants.
In E. Arnaud & P. A. Diner, Eds. Proceedings of the 3rd International Congress on cranial and facial bone distraction processes. Paris, France June 14-16th, 2001: 455-460
Renier D., Lajeunie E., Arnaud E., Marchac D.
Management of craniosynostosis.
Child’s Nerv Syst 2000;16:645-658
Renier D., Lajeunie E., Arnaud E., Marchac D.
Craniosynostosis: Surgical techniques according to age and late results;
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Renier D., Lajeunie E., Arnaud E., Marchac D., Catala M.
Encycl Med Chir (Elsevier, Paris), Pediatrie, 4-096-B-10, 2000, 15p.
Ashammakhi N., Arnaud E., Marchac D., Waris T., Tormala P., Konttinen Y.
Ingéniérie des tissues musculo-squelettiques avec polymères résorbables.
Ann Chir Plast Esthet 2000;45:610-6
Renier D., Lajeunie E., Arnaud E., Marchac D.
Management of craniosynostosis.
Child’s Nerv Syst 2000;16:645-658
Arnaud E.
Advances in cranioplasty with osteoinductive biomaterials : summary of experimental studies and clinical prospects.
Child’s Nerv Syst 2000 ;16 :659-668
Duguy N., Petite H., Arnaud E.
Biomatériaux et régénération osseuse.
Ann Chir Plast Esthet 2000 ;45 :364-76
Arnaud E., Marchac D., Renier D.
Midface distraction with internal device and transfacial pin.
In Yu Ray Chen, ed. Proceedings of the VIIIth International Society of Craniofacial Surgery. Taipei, Taiwan, Oct 31st-Nov 3rd, 1999.
Marchac D., Arnaud E.
Midface surgery from Tessier to distraction.
Child’s Nerv Syst 1999 ;15 :681-694
Arnaud E., Pollak C. (de), Meunier A., Sedel L., Damien C., Petite H.
Osteogenesis with coral is increased by BMP and BMC in a rat cranioplasty.
Biomaterials 1999, 20 :1909-1918
Arnaud E., Marchac D., Renier D.
Complications of maxillary distraction in children and modification by internal device with transfacial pin.
In P. A. Diner & M. P. Vazquez, Eds. Proceedings of the 2nd International Congress on cranial and facial bone distraction processes. Paris, France June 17-19, 1999, pp 211-215.
Arnaud, E., Marchac, D., Renier, D.
Aplasie du crâne osseux sans anomalie du scalp
Ann. Chir. Plast. Esthét. 1998 ; 43(3) : 275-281
Arnaud, E.
Commentary on the use of scanning electron microscopy in evaluation of craniosynostosis
J. Cran Fac. Surg. 1998, 9(1) : 39
Marchac, D., Renier, D., Arnaud, E.,
Infrafrontal correction of teleorbitism.
In Whitaker, ed. Proceedings of the VIIth international congress of the ISCFS,
Bologna, Monduzzi, 1998, pp 173-175
Renier, D., Lajeunie, E., Bottero, L., Arnaud, E., Marchac, D.,
Trigonocephaly : genetics and mental prognosis.
In Whitaker, ed. Proceedings of the VIIth international congress of the ISCFS,
Bologna, Monduzzi, 1998, pp 139-142
Arnaud E., Petite. H., Pollack C. de, Sedel L., Meunier A., Damien C.
Composite coral cranioplasty with BMP and bone marrow in a rat model
In Whitaker, ed. Proceedings of the VIIth international congress of the ISCFS,
Bologna, Monduzzi, 1998, pp 13-15
Bottero, L., Lajeunie, E., Arnaud, E., Marchac, D., Renier, D.
Functional outcome after surgery for trigonocephaly
Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 102 : 952-958. 1998
Arnaud, E., Molina, F., Mendoza M., Fuente del Campo A., Ortiz-Monasterio, F.
Etude clinique préliminaire d’un substitut osseux composite avec facteur de croissance
Ann. Chir. Plast. 1998 ; 43 (1) : 40-50
Cinalli, G., Sainte-Rose, C., Kollar, E.M., Zerah, M., Brunelle, F., Chumas, P., Arnaud, D., Marchac, D., Pierre-Kahn, A., and Renier, D.
Hydrocephalus and craniosynostosis
J. Neurosurg., vol. 88, pp. 209-214. February 1998
Marchac D., Arnaud E., Renier D.
Maxillary distraction : experience with 13 cases.
In P. A. Diner & M. P. Vazquez, eds. Proceedings of the International Congress on cranial and facial bone distraction processes. Paris, France June 19-21, 1997, pp 323-331.
Marchac D, Ascherman J., Arnaud E.
Fibrin glue fixation in forehead endoscopy.
Plast Reconstr Surg 1997;100(3):704-712.
Arnaud E., Perrault M., Revol M., Servant J. M., Banzet P.
Surgical treatment of dermatofibrosarcoma.
Plast Reconstr Surg 1997, 100(4): 884-895
De Pollack C., Arnaud E., Renier D., Marie P. J.
Age-related changes in bone formation, osteoblastic cell proliferation, and differentiation during post natal osteogenesis in human calvaria.
J Cell Biochem 1997;64:128-139.
Meyer Ph., Renier D., Blanot S., Orliaguet G., Arnaud E., Lajeunie E.
Anesthésie-réanimation des craniosténoses et dysmorphies craniofaciales de l’enfant.
Ann Fr Anesth Réanim 1997;16:152-164.
Arnaud, E., Marchac, D., Renier, D.
Complications of maxillary distraction in children
Ann. Chir. Plast. Esthét. 42 : 443-480. 1997
Arnaud, E., Renier, D., Marchac, D.
Aplasia of the vertex without scalp defect
J. Craniofac. Surg. 8 : 146-150. 1997
Arnaud, E., Marchac, D., Renier, D.
Les craniosynostoses et facio craniosynostoses
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Marchac, D., Arnaud, E.
Les distractions du maxillaire supérieur
Ann. Chir. Plast. Esthét., vol. 42, N° 5, pp. 557-563. Octobre 1997
Bottero, L., Lajeunie,E., Arnaud, E., Marchac, D. Renier, D.
Pronostic mental des trigonocéphalies et implications thérapeutiques
Ann. Chir. Plast. Esthét., vol. 42, N°4, pp. 296-304. Août 1997
Chumas, P., Cinalli, G., Renier, D., Arnaud, E., and Marchac, D.
Classification of previously unclassified cases of craniosynostosis
J. Neurosurg. 86 : 177-181. 1997
Durand, J.L., Renier, D., Marchac, D.
L’histoire des cranioplasties
Ann. Chir. Plast. Esthét. 42 : 75-83. 1997
Renier, D., Cinalli, G., Lajeunie, E., Arnaud, E., Marchac, D.,
L’oxycéphalie, une craniosténose sévère. A propos d’une série de 129 cas
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Meyer P., Renier D., Arnaud E.
Intraoperative autologous blood transfusion in the surgical correction of craniosynostosis.
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Renier D., Cinalli G., Sebag G., Sainte-Rose C., Arnaud E., Marchac D. Chiari
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Pollack C. (de), Arnaud E., Renier D., Hott M., Marie P. J.
Increased bone formation and osteoblastic cell phenotype in craniosynostosis.
In: D. Marchac ed. Proceedings of the VIth international congress of the ISCFS. Bologna, Monduzzi, 1996, pp 93-96
Arnaud E., Molina F., Mendoza M., Fuente del Campo A., Ortiz-Monasterio F.
Bone substitute in defects of the cephalic skeleton: preliminary reports of a clinical trial.
In: D. Marchac ed. Proceedings of the VIth international congress of the ISCFS. Bologna, Monduzzi, 1996, pp 19-22
Arnaud E., Renier D., Brunet L., Marchac D.
Mental prognosis of scaphocephaly. In: D. Marchac ed. Proceedings of the VIth international congress of the ISCFS.
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Cinalli G., Renier D., Sebag G., Sainte-Rose C., Arnaud E., Pierre-Kahn A.
Chronic tonsillar herniation in Crouzon’s and Apert’s syndromes. The role of the premature synostosis of the lambdoid suture.
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Cinalli G., Renier D., Sebag G., Sainte-Rose C., Arnaud E., Pierre-Kahn A.
La malformation de Chiari dans le syndrome de Crouzon.
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Renier, D., Arnaud, E., Cinalli, G., Marchac, D.,Brunet, L., Sebag, G., Sainta-Rose, C.,and Zerah, M.
Pronostic mental du syndrome d’Apert
Arch. Pediatr. 3 : 752-760. Elseiver, Paris. 1996
Renier, D., Arnaud, E., Marchac, D., Brunet, L., Pierre-Kahn, A.
Le pronostic mental des scaphocéphalies
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Renier, D., Arnaud, E., Cinalli, G., Marchac, D.,Brunet, L., Sebag, G., Sainta-Rose, C.,and Zerah, M.
Pronstic mental syndrome d’Apert
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Renier, D., Arnaud, E., Cinalli, G., Sebag, G., Zerah, M., and Marchac, D.
Prognosis for mental function in Apert’s syndrome
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Marchac, D., Renier, D.
Faciocraniosynostosis : from infancy to adulthood
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Mental outcome of operated and non operated scaphocephalies.
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Marchac, D., Renier, D., and Arnaud, E.
Evaluation of the Effect of Early Mobilization of the Supraorbital Bar on the Frontal Sinus and Frontal Growth
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Marchac, D., and Sandor, G.
Use of Coral Granules in the Craniofacial Skeleton
The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. Vol. 5, N° 4.pp.213-217. September 1994.
Arnaud E., de Vernejoul M. C., Molina F.
Potentiation of bone growth factor by natural coral and fibrin glue. Experimental and preliminary clinical results.
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Treacher Collins syndrome (Mandibulofacial dysostosis).
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Ritidectomia subperiostica con abordaje endoscopico.
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Arnaud E., Renier D., Marchac D.
La morphologie glabellaire après remodelage fronto-crânien pour craniosténose dans l’enfance.
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Arnaud, E., Marchac, D., Renier, D.
Development of the Frontal Sinus and Glabellar Morphology After Frontocranial Remodeling for Craniosynostosis in Infancy
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Arnaud E., Renier D., Marchac D.
Le développement du sinus frontal après remodelage fronto-crânien pour craniosténose dans l’enfance.
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Arnaud E., Morieux C., Wybier M., Vernejoul M. C. (de).
Potentiation of bone growth factor by natural coral and fibrinogen in a rabbit cranioplasty model.
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Arnaud, E., Morieux, C., Wybier, M., de Vernejoul.
Ostéogénèse induite par l’association de facteur de croissance, de colle fibrinogénique et de carbonate de calcium
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Marchac, D., Renier, D. and Broumand, S.
Timing of Treatment for Craniosynostosis : a 20 year experience
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Discussion of : Longitudinal Assessment of Mental Development in Infants with Nonsyndromic Craniosynostosis with and without Cranial Release and Reconstruction
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Marchac, D., Renier, D.
Commentary on Cranial Vault Expansion
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Prevot, M., Marchac, D., Renier, D.
Lack of Ossification after Cranioplasty for Craniosynostosis : A Review of Relevant Factors in 592 Consecutive Patients
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Discussion of : Augmentation of the Craniofacial Skeleton with Porous Hydroxyapatite Granules
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Gault, D.T., Marchac, D., Renier, D., and Jones, B.M.
Intracranial Pressure and Intracranial Volume in Children with Craniosynostosis
Plast. Reconst. Surg., vol. 90, N° 3, pp. 377-381. September 1992
Marchac, D.
Discussion of : Craniofacial Suture Stenosis : Morphologic Effects
Persing, J.A. et al. Plast. Reconst. Surg. vol., 88, N° 4. pp. 572. Octobre 1991
Marchac, D., Renier, D.
New Aspects of Craniofacial Surgery
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Bartlett, S.P., Whitaker, L., and Marchac, D.
The Operative Treatment of Isolated Craniofacial Dysostosis (Plagiocephaly): A Comparison of the Unilateral and Bilateral Techniques
Plast. Reconst. Surg., vol. 85, N° 5, pp. 677-683. May 1990
Gault, D.T., Marchac, D., Renier, D. Ackland, F.M., Jones, B.M.
Intracranial Volume in Children with Craniosynostosis
The Journal of Craniofacial Surgery. Vol. 1, N° 1. January 1990
Marchac, D., Renier, D.
Fibrin Glue in Craniofacial Surgery
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Gault, D., Renier, D. and Marchac, D.
Oxycephaly and Rickets
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Marchac, D., Renier, D.and Jones, M.
Experience with the » floating forehead »
British Journal of Plast. Surg., 41 : 1-5. 1988
Gault, D., Brunelle, F., Renier, D., and Marchac, D.
The calculation of intracranial volume using CT scans
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Le Merrer, M., Ledinot, V., Renier, D., Marchac, D. et Briard, M.L.
Conseil génétique dans les Craniosténoses. Bilan d’une étude prospective réalisée avec le groupe d’études sur les malformations Cranio-faciales
J. Génét. Hum., vol. 36, N° 4, pp. 295-306
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Discussion of : Skull Molding Caps : An Adjunct to Craniosynostosis Surgery
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Marchac, D.
Discussion of : Craniosynostosis : An Analysis of the Timing, Treatment, and Complications in 164 Consecutive Patients
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Treatment of Craniosynostosis in Infancy
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Marchac, D., Renier, D.
Craniofacial Surgery for Craniosynostosis : An Update. Plast. Reconstr
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Renier, D., Sainte-Rose, C., and Marchac, D.
Intracranial Pressure in Craniostenoses. 302 Recordings
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Dufier, J.L., Vinruel, M.C., Renier, D., Marchac, D.
Les complications ophtalmologiques des Craniofaciosténoses. A propos de 244 observations
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Marchac, D.
A Frontal Pattern for Frontocranial Remodeling
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Marchac, D.
Anophthalmos. In Current Ocular Therapy 2
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Trigonocephaly : Refinements in Reconstruction. Experience with 33 Patients
Albin, R.E., et al. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. vol. 76, N° 2, pp. 210-211, Aout 1985
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Craniofacial Surgery for Craniosynostosis Improves Facial Growth : A Personal Case Review
Annals of Plastic Surgery. vol. 14, N° 1, pp. 43-54. January 1985
Marchac, D.
Intracranial Enlargement of the Orbital Cavity and Palpebral Remodeling for Orbitopalpebral Neurofibromatosis
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Early Surgery for Craniofacial Synostosis : An 8 Year Experience
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Marchac, D., Renier, D., Dufier, J.L., Desjardins, L.
Neurofibromatoses orbito-palpébrales : agrandissement orbitaire par voie intra-Cranienne et correction palpébrale
J. Fr. Ophtalmol., vol. 7, N° 6/7, pp. 469-478. Masson, Paris. 1984
Marchac, D., Renier, D.
La chirurgie Craniofaciale appliqué au traitement primaire des Cranio-synostoses
J. Head & Neck Pathol. 2 : 5-14, 1983
Anderl, H., Mühlbauer, W., Twerdy, K., and Marchac, D.
Frontofacial Advancement with Bony Separation in Craniofacial Dysostosis
Plast. Reconstr. Surg. vol. 71, N° 3, pp. 303-306. March 1983
Marchac, D., Renier, D.
Traitement précoce de l’asymétrie orbitaire des plagiocéphalies
J. Fr. Ophtalmol., 6,4, pp. 359-366. 1983
Marchac, D., Renier, D.
La chirurgie Craniofaciale appliqué au traitement primaire des Cranio-synostoses
J. Head & Neck Pathol. 2 : 5-14, 1983
Marchac, D
Relantionship of the Orbits to the Upper Eyelids
Clinics in Plastic Surgery. vol. 8, N° 4, Occtober 1981
Marchac, D., Renier, D.
Cranio-facial surgery for cranio-synostosis.
Scand. J. Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 15 : 235-243. 1981
Marchac, D., Renier, D.
Traitement précose des facio-craniosténoses (Crouzon-Apert)
Chir. Pédiatr., 21, pp. 95-101. Masson, Paris. 1980
Whitaker, L. A., Munro, I.R., Salyer, K.E., Jackson, I.T., Ortiz Monasterio, F., and Marchac, D.
Combined Report of Problems and Complications in 793 Craniofacial Operations
Plast. Reconstr. Surg., vol, N° 2, pp. 198-203. August 1979
Marchac, D.
Forehead remodeling for craniostenosis. In Symposium on Diagnosis and Treatment of Craniofacial anomalies
Ed. J. Converse. Mosby. New York. Pp. 323-335. 1979
Marchac, D., Renier, D.
» Le Front Flottant » Traitement précoce des facio- craniosténoses
Ann. Chir. Plast., 24, N° 2, pp. 121-126. 1979
Marchac, D.
Un cas de reconstruction centro-faciale chez l’adulte après destruction par abcès dans l’enfance
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Marchac, D.
Reconstruction of the Mid-Face in an Adult, After Gangrenous Destruction in Infancy
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Marchac, D.
Radical forehead remodeling for craniostenosis
Plast. Reconstr. Surg. 61 : 823-835. 1978
Marchac, D., Cophignon, J., Hirsch, J.F., Renier, D.
Les corrections des malformations fronto-orbitaires liées aux craniosténoses J. Fr.
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Marchac, D., Cophignon, J., Hirsch, J.F., Renier, D.
Remodelage Fronto-Cranien des Craniosténoses avec mobilisation du Bandeau Frontal. Neurochirurgie
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Marchac, D., Cophignon, J., Achard., E., and Dufourmentel, C.
Orbital expansion for anophthalmia and micro-orbitism
Plast. Reconstr. Surg. vol. 59, N° 4, pp. 486-491. 1977
Marchac, D., Cophignon, J. and Clay, C.
Subtotal Reconstruction of the Orbit after Destruction by Benign Tumour
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Marchac, D., Cophignon, J.
Technique for embedding split ribs in a cranioplasty
Plast Reconst. Surgery. vol. 55, N° 2, pp. 237- 239. 1975
Marchac, D., Cophignon, J., Van der Meulen, J., Bouchta, M.
A propos des ostéotomies d’avancement du crane et de la face
Ann. Chir. Plast., 19, N°4, pp. 311-323. 1974
Marchac, D., Cophignon, J., Rey, A., Chai et Clay, Cl.
Réparation des fracas fronto-orbitaires par reposition ou ostéotomie et greffes osseuses
Ann. Chir. Plast., 19, N°1, pp. 41-46. 1974
Marchac, D., Cophignon, J.
Angiome et tuméfaction osseuse fronto-orbitaire : ablation complète et reconstruction osseuse immédiate
Ann. Chir. Plast. 17, N°1, pp. 73-77. 1972